I have placed the belly pics at the far bottom of this post so if you choose, you may close out now and retreat as far away as you want without ever seeing "the belly." Otherwise, you will now boldly gaze upon that which very few have before. May the force be with you, brave ones.
Let's start with something viewer friendly. Now this is what I look like (at 187 lbs. Ah hem.) with the right clothes on. Tummy in check.

But when I turn to the side and pull the fabric tight, you will see why I absolutely DO weigh 187 lbs.

No, I am not carrying twins. This is the evidence of many, many years of abuse to my body. Now (get ready--this is it!) just in case this does not convince you that I am indeed a big girl, I present to you...
Dun Dun DUN!

There it is. No it's not as huge as it used to be (praise God!) but it's still there and it is large. And bumpy. Eew.
I rest my case.
Just so we don't have to end on that scary note, here are some comparison pics that have nothing to do with the belly!

BEFORE......................................... NOW

BEFORE...................................... NOW
I'm not sure what I weighed in the before pics, but now I weigh 187. Just in case you missed that. ;)
All my weight is in my tummy, too. The rest of me looks great! So I hear ya! And iwant you to know that in your before and during pictures (all except the last one) the smiles doesn't reach your eyes. It does now.
Brave lady you are1 I love your hair. You look like a super model - seriously! You look great with or without the belly, but I will be happy for you when you are where YOU want to be!
You are incredibly brave....I don't think I'll be following your footsteps on my blog. :) But I agree - you can really see the difference in those last pictures with how much your eyes light up now. Being healthier makes you feel so much better than the alternative. :)
You are beautiful and brave! And you sure know how to dress!
Thank you for your bravery. Most people are not so brave, myself included.
You are beautiful... my stomach looks much like yours... I am about 5 lbs heavier and about the same height. I can't wait until mine is less lumpy and more lovely! :)
Hey there! I got your comment and I am so glad I was part of your inspiration! I think you are looking great! Be proud of your bravery and beauty!
Ok - everyone else beat me b/c my first thoughts were the same as theirs....
So Brave.... So Beautiful!!
I just thought it was worth repeating!
Well, first, you have courage! And spunk! You go, girl!
And, second, ohhhh... Now I see it.
I carry a lot of weight in my stomach, too. Really, I do. In fact, I'm sitting here in size 22 Chic jeans (decade old) that are way toooo baggy in the bottom and legs to wear out--yet, still snug around the waist. sigh.
I don't have the great face and upper half that you do, tho. I am fat there as well, so NO ONE has ever argued that I look thinner than my scale says it does. No one. chuckle.
The belly fat may be problematic, but keeping your fat in one spot sure makes all of the other spots look great!
Congrats again on entering the 80s
You'll be slim all over before summer's thru. How cool is that?!
P.S. I so admire your willingness to be real. :)
Well you sure have come a long way! Plus you are taking care of yourself NOW! :) Yippeeeee :)
Ahhh, love your belly. It's wonderful. P.S. super cute hair ~ Steph
You are still gorgeous...with or without the belly. Looking good!! :)
You are insane...and I love you! You are doing this! 187 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Keelie Go, Lose that weight, You are going to look even more great!!!! Go Keelie!
Brave and Beautiful seems to be the theme so I'll stick with that.
I'm not much overweight but the few extra pounds I carry are (you guessed it) in my belly. I think that's where a lot of women have a weight gain problem.
Let's just keep on working on reducing our bellies while appreciating who we are in the midst of our struggle!
I love, love, love your posts and look forward to them every day! Thanks for letting us see your belly :)
WoW! You are brave. All my weight is my derriere and thighs and I would NEVER take a picture.
Super-duper Congratulations on 187! You are looking fabulous!
Love the belly! I've been meaning to post pics of mine, and this made me finally do it. I linked back to you. :)
get it done! Comparisons are my favorites!
Girl ~~ You ROCK~! Very brave!!
Hi Keelie! This is Mandi from Finding Home. I just want to give a gold star for putting your belly out there. You go girl! I have to tell you that seeign all your photos has inspired me to take some of my own. Now that is a sobering reality!! My mom and my sister's and I started a get healthy/fit/lose weight blog. (Four Foodies Get Fit) Feel free to check us out. We're all at different points in our journey and we are a new blog - but it's been fun so far and we are really encouraging one another. I'm signing us up to follow you. oh yeah, I'm doing WW online now too! Can't wait to read your past posts - I've been offline for a few days. Hope you have a great night chicka!
HOW BRAVE OF YOU!!! you still look great! keep up the great work!!!
my stomach looks very similar.. i hold all of my weight there .. its all saggy and strech marked up and unfortunately thats without even having any kids :( just being a very fluctuating fat girl.
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