January 31, 2010

Weigh In: 3 lb. Loss

211 lbs.

Getting better at the picture taking, no?

Note to self: Clean bathroom mirror.

Behavior Analysis Pays Off

I practiced my new behavior pattern in the gym this week. It was the third time I was running my mile without stopping. It hurt SO bad. I began to think 'I'll just stop and walk really fast. It's basically the same. I can run tomorrow.' But then I realized that is what the old behavior pattern was--stop when the going gets tough. So I went against my tendency and pushed through the pain. By the end of the week I had run 3 miles on different occasions, of course. I am going to add 1/10 mile each week and that should put me at my goal of 2 miles in 12 weeks (I'm on week 2). I am pumped about this!

I also practiced the new behavior pattern in the food department. I took my son to a friend's birthday party where I knew there would be pizza. I always follow the rule of "eat before you go so you won't be hungry" but since I don't really mind eating when I'm not hungry, this technique usually doesn't work for me. Well, the inevitable moment came--they brought out 4 ooey gooey pizzas. I began to rationalize, 'it would be rude not to eat the pizza since the hostess had to pay for them. Plus I have done so good all week, surely one piece of pizza won't hurt.' But THEN! Then I remembered that was the old behavior pattern and I had to reverse it. So I didn't eat any pizza! And guess what? I lived.

I will weigh in at my meeting in a couple of hours and will report back with that info. I think I had a good week on the scale, but more importantly my mind is being transformed. Each time I practice this new pattern of pressing on, the easier it will be to leave the old pattern behind. One day, the "new way" will be my normal way. I can DO this. Praise the Lord--HE can surely do this!

LOVE this from Titus 2:
11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.

January 29, 2010


And no, I'm not talking about this kind. Sorry.

I'm talking about the kind that we affectionately refer to as:

  • love handles
  • back fat
  • muffin top
  • double chin
I have some interesting ones. (Warning: this post not for the faint of heart) I've always had a big one just below my belly button--the lower abdomen. It is in the shape of a large crescent roll. It has been small at some points in my life but could now be considered one of the "Grand" variety.

While this roll is not something I enjoy looking at in the mirror, it never bothered me too much until A.B. (After Births). Let's just say I had taken "roll symmetry" for granted.

Symmetrical roll=not pretty
Asymmetrical roll=downright UGLY

I have other asymmetrical rolls. I will spare you the details of those for today but what is up with that?

Anyway, I was laying in bed last night taking a quick inventory of all my rolls (everyone accounted for, unfortunately) when I felt something odd. It was kind of hard and protruding out just below my waist.

By George, It was a hip bone! Call in a team of archaeologists because this thing has been covered up for quite a while!!!

Well, I'm off to the the gym in hopes of unearthing some more long lost treasures of my body. I just wanted to share this "non-scale" victory.

What are yours today?

January 28, 2010

A Unique Addiction

Food is the only addiction in the world (I can think of) that can't be given up completely, forever. It's a cruel reality. You have to eat. You have to eat to live. To sustain life, you must daily and frequently consume the very thing that is consuming you.

Alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling...these are all extremely hard-to-kick habits. I am not trying to make light of recovery from these addictions, but when a person decides they are going to quit one of them they can do just that--quit. You can't quit food or you'll die.

Sometimes I think it would be nice just to have my mouth wired shut for a month or so. I'm not sure how healthy that would be (or if you can even do that and survive) but man, it seems like it would be so much easier that way.

There's no point to this post really....just me whining. Ever thought about this though?

January 27, 2010

Behavioral Analysis

Those of you who know me well are aware of my fascination with the TV show Criminal Minds. Incredible show. I had to quit watching a few months ago when I became convinced that 43% of people I encountered in any given day were serial killers.

Anyhoo...this is the Criminal Minds team. The BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) of the FBI. They specialize in analyzing criminal behaviors in order to create a "profile" so that criminals can be caught more efficiently. Spencer is my favorite. But they are all awesome.

Since I stopped analyzing every Tom, Dick, and Harry that cross my path, I have had extra time to analyze some of my own unfortunate behaviors. You know--the ones that placed me at 200+ on the scales. (Hey--the more I admit it, the less likely I am to forget it.)

You can blame it on genetics, a crummy childhood, low self-esteem, stress...whatever. These are all the types of things that might trigger bad behavioral patterns but let us note that it is, in fact, the faulty behavioral patterns that make us fat. I think I have identified the main "criminal behavior" pattern in my life.

So here it is:

1. Realize that I am called to be committed to "x" in my life
2. Gung-Ho about "x"
3. Stick to "x" until it gets boring, hard, uncomfortable, etc.
4. Quit "x"
5. Time passes with no commitment to (and usually stray far, far from) "x"
6. Repeat items 1-5
7. Repeat item 6, indefinitely

Wouldn't it just be easier (in the long run) to:

1. Realize that I am called to be committed to "x" in my life
2. Stick to "x" even when it gets boring, hard, uncomfortable, etc.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 everyday through prayer, determination and by the grace of God

Yes, I think so.

Note: I used "x" because I can apply many things other than a healthy lifestyle to this equation: daily reliance on the Lord, keeping my house in order, being consistent with my children's discipline, etc.

In keeping with the Criminal Minds theme, I will leave you with a poignant quote:

Paul (from the Bible) once said, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

January 26, 2010

Workout in Style

I've been surfing the web a little bit in search of other weight loss blogs. Yesterday I ran across this one that really blew my socks off. I stayed there forever just reading about her weight watcher adventures and looking at her stunning photos. You can click on one of the photos below to go to this unbelieveable blog.

Okay. So she takes pictures like these all the time and I think she looks so cute! She also has tremendous success according to the blog, so I decided...

Well, see for yourself.

Yeah. It's just not working for me yet. But hopefully you feel better about the way you look in workout gear now. Ha!

January 25, 2010

My Stomach: A Bottomless Pit?

Surely not.

Sometimes it seems that way though. It has never been easy for me to know when I am "full."

I have noticed that my one year old has a pretty good indicator of when she's full. Her little tummy gets just big enough that her belly button pops out! Kind of like a Thanksgiving turkey with one of those red things that pops out to let you know it's done.

Since I haven't seen the sunny-side of my belly button in about 30 years that little trick isn't going to work for me, unfortunately.

Here are 3 things I am going to try to implement to help in this area.

1. Stop eating before I think I am full.
The rule of thumb in knowing when the right time is to stop eating is just before you begin to feel full. You will still feel just a little bit hungry. If you wait until you are completely full then it's too late. Why is this so important? Because when you eat until you are full, you are adding more calories and fat to your body. Your brain takes 15 - 20 minutes to read the signals from your stomach that you are full. This is why you should always take your time when eating. Read entire acrticle...

2. Drink a glass of water before, during and after each meal.
This will help me get full faster and it will also ensure that I get my recommended 8 glasses of water a day.

3. Pray before each meal.
This is something that I neglect to do many (most) times I eat. Not only do I need to give thanks, but also ask for God's help to recognize my body's cues to stop eating. I know He will help me.

I'll let you know how this works out.

January 24, 2010

Excercise is my Frienemy

I'm not sure what a "frienemy" really is, but in this case I thought it would apply to exercising since I hate it (enemy part) even though apparently it is really good for me (friend part).

I have been working out on a somewhat regular basis for about 3 weeks now. I have a membership at a local gym. The main thing I do is walk/jog on the treadmill and some resistance weight training.

This was kind of a big week for me in the physical activity department. I had set a 12 week goal for myself to be able to jog a mile without stopping. I did it this week! Week 2! I completely surprised myself. I don't think I have done that since high school.

So now I have to set a new 12 week goal. I am going to make it 2 miles jogging without stopping. We'll see. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it. I also want to be able to do 100 crunches. (It actually hurt me to type that.)