May 3, 2010

New Goals

I am in Week 2 of my First Place 12 week session. So far I am doing fairly well. I spent the past week trying to make up for the one prior to that (in the weight department). I am finally starting to see the scale move in the right direction again, thank goodness.

One of the things we were asked to do this week was to set goals in each of the 4 areas that First Place 4 Health emphasizes: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. I think that setting these goals is paramount to success. Never used to, but I do now.

So my goals are:

Run a 5K in 30-something minutes.

Memorize all 10 verses of scripture and teach a few to my son.

Journal about emotional hunger ever time it happens.

Keep a prayer journal and complete 12 week Bible study with no skipped lessons.

And as additioanl "unofficial" goal I am aiming to lose 25 pounds in this session. I lost about 30 in the last one. If I do, I will weigh aproximately 160lbs! Hard to believe...


Jen said...

I know you can do it! Go Keelie!

Virginia said...

You are such an inspiration I'm glad to see the weight is heading downwards again for you - hang on in there - loving your goals - I'm just starting my journey and you're blog has really helped to motivate me!

Holy Hannah said...

Good for you! I think those are fantastic goals.

Molly said...

Thanks for the inspiration yet again! Your blog makes me happy:) Thanks!!!

Unknown said...

It's good to have a plan! :)

ThunderThighs said...

great goals! omg can you believe you're so close to the 160s!?!? that's awesome!! good for you!!

Mr.s Gokey said...

Looking forward to seeing you succeed in your goals girlie!!

Anonymous said...

Those are some tough goals! I wish you well. :)

There's a gift for you on my blog.


Celeste said...

I love this idea! I think that I'm going to set goals like these for my journey. You are AMAZING!!! PS -- your april pic is soooo cute! You are smokin'!

Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

i am glad you have a weight-loss group/program you can go to that addresses the Spiritual element of life. i am thankful for all the great health resources i have, but i think it would be really cool to have a group like this locally.

wishing you well!

Seth said...

nice goals!

MissyMcM said...

Your goals are GREAT!