So I just did a little calculating and figured out I am on track to lose my 100 pounds in 12 months. At first I was hoping for 9 months. I know. A little over-ambitious. But it was doable. Not now. And I fear that if I don't get serious again--like right when you first start your "lifestyle change"--then I'm going to be adding another 6 months to my finish time. Don't want that.
So here's what I plan to do to get serious.
- No more eating out. For a good while at least. Yes, I can made healthy choices at most any restaurant, but let's be honest. I don't WANT to do that. I'd rather just stick to my plan at home. So in the foreseeable future when invited out to eat I will try to join up afterward and in the event that is not possible I will eat at home and look like a weirdo while I drink water with lemon at the restaurant.
- I'm going to quit snacking and pretending like it never happened. Yep, I do that a lot. A wheat thin here, a spoonful of peanut butter there...this stuff is holding me back!!! I am going to be true to myself and stop pretending these snacks didn't happen. They DO happen and the scale always shows it.
- I am going to drink my water. I hate it when people say that. It sounds so cliche in the diet world. Someone is having a rough couple weeks, the leader leans in empathetically, "You drinkin' your water?" Oh, Lord. "No, maybe that was it and not the Snickers I've been eating for my 8pm snack." Right. Like drinking water a lot is actually going to help me lose weight. Well, I'm going to test that theory out. ;0)
- I am going to get back to kicking my rear in the physical activity department. I have been a real slacker. The crazy thing is--I am running in my first 5K EVER this weekend!!! I can't believe it. But I hope I am ready. I have been giving about 50% to my workouts lately. You know, it is easy to go through the motions of a workout but we can only get out of it what we put in--much like anything in life. Gotta get back in gear.
- I'm going to hit all my food groups in the amounts that I am supposed to every day. Each day in First Place you are supposed to track the amounts of each food group that you ate, cups, oz., etc. and then record if you need to eat more, less, or are on target. So my goal is to be on target every day. I can do it.
Hopefully doing these things will help me re-focus. I haven't gone crazy or anything. I'm still fighting the good fight but I have lost some of my mojo. I like my mojo and I need it back. So we'll see. In all seriousness though, if it took me 5 years to lose the weight that would be okay. I just know what is possible and there's no harm in shooting for that.
By the way, we no longer have internet service at our home. I have been coming to my mom's house to make blog posts and check email but that's about it. So if you noticed I haven't commented in a while or that my posts no longer come twice a day (ha! part of the reason we had to lose the internet) that is why. Just FYI.
I think you have a great plan in place Keelie and I may just join you! Good luck can (continue to) do it!
Great plan! Actually, the water drinking is a big deal, Drinking enough water does a TON of good for your body. :) It helps your metabolism, stops false hunger signals, and so on
Keep it up Keelie - the first step when you notice you're falling off the wagon is to realize it - you've done that and I know you'll come back stronger than ever! Good luck on your 5K, that's awesome!!!
As always you're an inspiration! :)
yeah--I know water is important..and it will make a difference.I'm just bad at it so it's easier to poke fun. lol.
I know it's silly but water is huge. I can tell a big difference. Good luck! Your plan sounds great! A 100 pounds in year is awesome!
I did a reassessment of my plan last weekend, too. After the week where I said, "Dude! Cinqo De Mayo! Whee! Let's eat all the Mexican food we can stuff in our faces."
I'm back and I'm at it. You go!
I like the plan. Water = must.
Keep going!
You are kicking butt! :) WHOOHOO! Keep up the great work! :)
good luck on your upcoming 5k! in First Place, do you also track calories? or is it simply based on food group servings? i'm looking for a healthy eating plan, and nothing has really been working for me... thanks!
For the water, you need to figure out what's best for you. Are you the kind of person who can drink many 8 oz water bottles a day, or are you like me who just wants to drink the water in as few containers as possible? :) I have a 34 oz container that I drink 3 times a day. Makes it seem so much better. I start early, and now as long as I stay at it, I can get in about 100 oz a day. I'm pretty sure I don't need more than that! haha - good job, though, on taking accountability and getting back on track. :) You're doing great!
Great goals, I believe you can do it!
good luck with your new goals.
You are doing great. 100 lbs in one year would be a huge accomplishment.
I missed reading your blog for a few days because I went out of town - I got way off track AGAIN. Your blog is helping me to stay focused to what God wants - to serve HIM. I feel I can do that much better if I feel better and loose the extra weight I have allowed to come on. You can do it, Keep God First, Know you are helping others through your blog. Tara
First of all you look super cute! I hope you know and feel that!!
It's time to get serious around here too. This past week was probably one of my worst. The great news is I know what I need to do differently and am not beating myself up for slacking.
It's at this point I usually would have thrown in the towel and returned to the old ways. I am grateful that you are so honest and show your struggles too. It is encouraging to know we are not alone.
Sounds like a great plan! I also have trouble snacking and "pretending like I didn't" LOL You're looking wonderful! Good Luck!
I can be pretty head-in-the-sand, too, about what I'm putting in my mouth. Unfortunately, even logging it doesn't "shame" me into stopping: I just need to smarten up, pay attention, and be honest with myself.
Best of luck with your goals! You're doing GREAT. :)
Wow! What a great job you have done! Water is sooooo important. It's amazing how our body craves it even more when we are actually getting our water. I need to get better at this too.
great goals and plan. i know you can do it. and i was wondering where you'd been... been missing you so glad you cleared up the internet thing! ;)
Have a great one !!
Water rocks!!! Now if I could only believe that! I am trying to do the same. Awesome picture!!
Run, Keelie, Run!!! Best of everything for doing your 5K, I want to do one in the fall. I have missed reading more of you more help me stay on track and inspired! Thank you!!!
I had to kick my own booty this week to about buckling down again and up the physical activity. It's worked so far and I am with you on the water thing, but I actually don't mind it. I was doing a 50/50 tea (half-sweet & half-unsweet) and I kept stalling. So, I told myself that I can't have anything other than water, low-fat milk, or tomato juice until I hit a certain number on the scale. I haven't cheated once with that! I agree with Kristin, I have a 34 oz. container and drink at least 3 of those a day.
I live in the southern California desert (near Palm Springs) and believe me, drinking water IS important! I didn't drink any one day when I was switching classrooms and I suffered heatstroke! Also, last summer, I didn't take my water with me up to the horses and the next day, I had chest pains from dehydration. Water is important! I lost 28 pounds a few years ago when going to CURVES and I drank a LOT of water. It helps to flush out your body. GOOD LUCK! I'm going to follow your blog!
You look amazing. I know everyone else has said it, but water is important. Sometimes you think your hungry when you truly are thirsty. I remember when I stopped drinking soda and wondered what I would drink. I have found there is nothing as refreshing as a glass of ice cold water. The ice makes all the difference. I keep a water bottle with me at all times.
I am running a marathon this weekend. We will both be running firsts. Remember to not start out too fast, save all the adrenaline to the last half. Can't wait to hear your results. Good luck.
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