May 17, 2010

Race Recap & My Thoughts on Drinking

Here I am after my very first 5K! I finished in 36.3 minutes. I was pleased with this time. The only other occasion I had timed myself was on the treadmill and that took me 43 minutes. My goal was to be in the 30s and I was, so yea!

The race was in a small town just down the road from me. There were about 50 runners and the course went around the city park and baseball fields. It was a tad bit muddy in parts but over all it was fine.

I felt really great throughout the entire race. I had already decided that I wanted to put absolutely no pressure on myself other than to complete it without walking (and I figured that would ensure my time being under 40 minutes). I took the advice of a friend's trainer and had beans and rice for dinner and oatmeal and a piece of fruit a couple of hours before the race.

I also took the advice of my blogger buddy Stacey to start off toward the back of the pack so I could set my own pace. With only 50 runners, the pack wasn't that big but I did keep toward the back and set my pace at a very comfortable jog for the first 2 miles. The last mile I tried to step it up and only felt uncomfortable for the last quarter mile, I'd say.

Okay, now I'm rambling. Here is a picture of me and my friends who also did the race. The beauty in the middle even won a free teeth whitening tray from a local dentist. We were happy for her!

Anyway, this was a great experience. I am looking forward to my 5K in June. I will have to set a goal for that race. After that I will begin training for an 8K in November!!! That was my big announcement! Actually I was considering a sprint triathlon but then decided on the 8K instead. Ha! Someday I think I will do a triathlon, though. Maybe when I get to goal!?!

Now, on to this whole drinking thing...

Oh. My. Gosh. I have been drinking half my body weight in ounces of water for the past 3 days. I can't tell you how much that is because I don't want you to know my weight. Oh that's right--the whole dang world knows my weight.

So I've been drinking 90 oz. of water per day! That's A LOT of water folks. And I think it is working but this is why: I am sitting on the pot 99% of the day and there is no time to do anything--even eat!

Seriously though, this IS helping me. By the end of the day I don't even really want to think about dinner. I feel full. I can still eat and not be miserable but I always feel full. It's great. But I will stress again, the excessive peeing is a bit of an inconvenience.

Oh well. These are the things we do for good health.


Unknown said...

great job on the 5K! :)

I use so much toilet paper from my water drinking habit! lol I guess there could be worse problems! lol :)

ThunderThighs said...

AWESOME job on the 5k! you survived AND signed up for an 8k!! w00t w00t!! as far as the water thing, that's exactly why i have such a hard time drinking enough water... i already pee a lot, i can't imagine what i'd be like if i drank what i should... actually, no, that's a lie, i COULD imagine what i'd be like cuz i've tried it before... i could barely function at work! lol!!

fatlittleblackdog said...

well done on the 5k!

Janelle said...

I used to drink way more water but I feel so restricted now that I can't drink while I eat. It is frustrating because water is so important for our bodies and I feel like i can't even get enough anymore. You are doing great, I have definitely had those days when I am peeing every 5 minutes!

Ana said...

Awesome time!!! And your pictures look AMAZING!!!

Stacey said...

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I am so glad you had a good time. Your total time is fantastic! I remember when you were just trying to run a whole mile. Look at you now!

A friend of mine is wanting us to do a run where it is purposefully muddy and an obstacle course. The crazy thing is that I am actually considering it. That's what your description made me think of.

You're inspiring me to drink more water. Hmm. I am no where close to half my body weight.

Loving my Complicated Life! said...

Great job on the race!!! I am hopingto do a 5k this summer as well, once I get back home and I am done with all my training. I used to drink 130 oz of water a day, and it used to make me feel so bloated. I cut it down to about 80 oz and I felt better. BUT, now I am really struggling with it. Thanks for the reminder.


Flabby McGee said...

Congrats in the 5k, that's so awesome!! Lol on the drinking water...I don't think I have time to pee that much. :P I'll bet your skin looks utterly gorgeous though!!

Kate said...

So excited to hear about your experience! I am going to sign up for a 5K in June and I'm terrified. Well - I was until I talked to my sister who said, "Why don't you just do it the best you can do it?" And well? That's awesome advice. Yeah for your new goal race and well - I drink a ton of water and I still want to stuff my face out of boredom. Sigh. Hang in there.

Tanna said...

Congratulations on an awesome 5K, Keelie!! Way to go!!

Lindsay said...

Way to go! Your awesome, I love all the cute pictures :)

Janna said...

GREAT JOB on the 5K! is a wonderful thing!

Tiffany said...

Wow a 5k is awesome! I totally understand the water to pee ratio :) I have just started this weightloss journey and half of this week has been spent in the bathroom! I feel like I am doing no good drinking all this water when I just pee it out lol :)

Married with Children..... said...

Proud of you girl! Water, the running, all of it! Keep it up! You Can and You WILL Do THIS!!!

I didn't know you were running in the Celina 5K...I thought you were doing Broken Bow. I almost went to the Celina race but thought it might be canceled since they canceled the baseball tournament over there for that weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on RUNNING that 5K! Wahoo! 3 twelve minute miles!! Way to go, girlfriend, way to go! :D Deb

Melanie said...

Congratulations on you 5k. You should definately do a tri. The cross training will really rev up your metabolism. Besides that, they are just so much fun. Don't wait until you reach your goal, do it to help reach your goal. Don't limit yourself and you will do amazing things.

Celeste said...

Way to go on your 5k!!!

Traci said...

Wow, love the new April pic! You look amazing! Great job! You did so well on the 5K!! AWESOME! That is a lot of water. I need to be drinking more. I need to keep track again.

Virginia said...

Congratulations on your race - that's fantastic and you did it the way you wanted to which is brilliant! Love that you've already set yourself a target for the next race. I'm thinking of your water issue - it may help me on my way too - although the side effects will probably be an issue but I know I need to drink more water!

Hope you're having a truly blessed day!

Vaia said...

Congratulations on completing the 5K!! How amazing it must have felt. I feel your water woes...I drink so much at work that I have created new paths to the washroom so it doesn't look like I'm always going to it! Ha!

Tricia said...

great job!

Jessie said...

Congratulations! You did awesome :-) I'm going to do a 5k one of these days! It's one of my goals. BTW nice shirt in your pics....I have the same one :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 5k! And your improvement in time- that's great. One day I may give it a try. If I ever get through the C25K that is...

And good job on the water. I drink a lot too and do spend a lot of time going to the washroom. A co-worker of mine who's office is outside of the ladies room asked me if I wanted him to just move my desk in there :)

Kristin Hope said...

Great job on your 5k! :) And, don't worry about the water - you are making great progress. The peeing will eventually subside - trust me. :) You'll still have to go, but at a much less frequent rate. And then this is what will happen - if you happen to get in less or no water one day after you've established a routine, you'll realize how much the water has really been quenching your thirst. This past weekend I did not do well with my water (34 oz on Sat and Sun compared to my usual 100ish) - I woke up Sun night really, really thirsty - was so happy to drink my water the next day. lol :) Great job, girl!

Unknown said...

what a great time !!! WOOHOO Way to go ! HIGH FIVE !!

...i'm on the pot 99% of the time too. blahhhh!

Keep up the great job Keelie !! :)

Dana ( said...

Awesome job on the 5K!! You look awesome! Keep up the good work!

Michele said...

WTG on the race!! Yippee!! I need to up my water, thank you for the reminder. Yeah, those frequent potty runs are rather inconvenient, esp for women like me who've had 3 kids and have a bladder the size of a pea! *sigh*

Journaling Gina said...

Bravo! My 5K is June 12th. I'm just hoping my left knee holds out that long :)

Seth said...

Way to go with the 5k time! That's a great time. keep up your hard work!