July 19, 2010

Success Story

Every time I joined Weight Watchers or got a new book on weight loss, I would immediately be drawn to the Success Stories. I loved reading about people who had actually done it. Lost weight.

I felt hopeful and happy when I could see the proof in pictures. To see a person overcome the very thing I wanted to overcome encouraged and excited me. It made me BELIEVE I could do it.

For whatever reason, I never really did it. But I always came back to the stories and the pictures because that was what I could cling to. The possibility...

Irony--I am a success story.

I say that not to brag or be prideful. I think anyone who reads this somewhat regularly knows that I consider myself useless in this arena. In the Lord I find my strength and in Him I will boast. If anything, this journey has taught me how very weak I am--on my own.

Even though I am not "there" yet, I am SO much closer than I ever have been. Not making it all the way is NOT an option for me. I don't know when I will reach my goal, but I WILL reach it.

I just want you to know that if you are coming here for the success story factor, I will deliver. I want to be a reason you BELIEVE you can do it.

Because you can.


Patrick said...

Oh you bet you are a success story! Be proud of what you have accomplished and confident ion what you will accomplish further still.

Fat Girl vs. World said...

What have your doctors said, if anything?

Keelie said...

Fat Girl vs. World--the only dr. that ever really expressed a concern was my gyno. I will be seeing her in a few months.. Can't wait!

I have a friend who recently lost 28 lbs. and came off bp meds that she had been on for over 10/15 years. So awesome!

Keelie said...

never thought I would say "Can't wait to see the gyno!" kinda weird...

Fat Girl vs. World said...

Haha -- my gyno had a bigger reaction to it than my internist -- but then again my gyno is a triathlete and my internist has been telling me I'm too fat for years.

Like my nutritionist explains in my most recent post, most GPs/Internists don't focus enough on healthy lifestyles. Just fixing illnesses.

Kudos to your friend coming off meds!

Mom to the Fourth Power said...


I love success stories too and you ARE a success story!!! Just the fact that you keep at it and never give up makes you a success... and you've lost weight and become healthier too!! You are a rockstar girl!!

Believing is such a HUGE part of change. That's why I titled my blog "Believing it's possible" because for me, that's what I need to not give up - to continue to believe that it will happen as I put my effort into it and rely on Him. Love this post! :)


Jacquie said...

You are a success story! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Pamela E. Williams said...

Yes Ma'am you are definitely a success story. I look and know that I can do this. The proof is in your pictures. Thanks Keelie!!

Chris@Joyful Mother said...

Amazing what an almost 50 pounds loss can do to someone...and I know you're only half way there.... Wow, that's so awesome! Again...THANKS FOR ALL THE ENCOURAGEMENT!! :)

Melissa said...

So awesome! You are my inspiration! & i pray the Lord will give me strength as He has given you!! Thanks for posting this! You say you're not there yet, but gosh - you look AMAZING!

I am trying the My Pyramid Plan this week, thanks for all the info! Hope you don't mind, i talked about it on my blog today - but i put a link to your blog since it was your idea! :)

Kate said...

What I like about your blog is that it's an ONGOING success story. The minute I close my Shape magazine, wanting desperately to be that woman that I just read about, I forget what I have to do to get there. Your blog is a constant. It shows the journey, not just the result. Keep it up!

Breathing In Grace said...

Admire your humility...and giving God the glory!!! You look sooooo good!!!

Ashley said...

I just wrote a blog post to the same tune, so I can totally feel ya. Except, well, you've lost weight and I haven't yet. But I will. And I'll be a success story. And you will to (you already are!).

Janelle said...

I have always been the same way. The before and after pictures ALWAYS excite me. There comes that point in every diet though, where I give up and stop caring about following the plan and the rules they set out for me. Diets don't work.

I feel 1 million percent different now that I have the band. I don't feel helpless, I see results, I feel like finally I can do it, and one day, I will be a success story, too! I always love your pictures and they are definitely encouraging to me!

99ToGo said...

I LOVE a good success story. It's why I love you guys who are brave enough to post all those pics for us to see!

Mr.s Gokey said...

Way to go girl!!! Your blog is one of the ones I keep coming back to feel hopeful and happy=)

Traci said...

You sure are a success story and ar inspiring those who read your blog and the people around you. And even if you think you are useless in that arena, you are not in our eyes. You are doing amazing and continue to inspire.

Ms. Chunky Chick said...

Just wanted to tell you how amazing you look and thank you for being such an inspiration

Lucy K said...

I love this posting! I get so excited at my WW's meeting when people lose weight or get to goal. You would think that my reaction, I am the one getting the award. :D

I too want to be a success story and your blog will definitely empower me to reach my goal!

Your doing an amazing job, keep it up!

Charmaè said...

you are such an encouragement to me :)

Melissa Miller said...

When I started my new healthy journey last year my B/P was horrible. I was put on two different meds by my gyno no less. I've been off the meds since March! You can do anything! *Smiles*

Rob Dyess said...

That is fantastic! Very nice.

You look great!!

I also enjoy reading or checking out success stories. I think that it makes me feel better that there are people in the same boat with me.



Can do mom said...

Oh Keelie,

I think you are definitely a success story! You have motivated me and so many others.

After months of being unhappy with my increasing weight, I finally decided to make some serious changes in my diet. (I'm already exercising.) I basically cut out sugar and cut WAY back on carbs. In just a week I've already dropped a few pounds and my waist is shrinking! For me sugar has been the problem all along, I just didn't want to stop eating it.

It'll take a little time but I'm on my way. :)

Thanks for your honesty and upbeat attitude! Keep on keeping on. You can do it!


momof3girls said...

You are an encouragement! Thanks for sharing your story!

Charbelle said...

I found you blog by way of Land Of Fluff/momof3girls. Wow what a journey! Congratulations! You look amazing and I know you're still at it! What an inspiration!!