September 21, 2010

Party Pictures

Glory's Birthday Party 10-18-10

Last year after my daughter's birtday party, I remember looking at the pictures and wanting to throw up and bawl my eyes out at the same time. I felt so hopeless and you can see it here:

What a differearence a year can make!



Taylor said...


Happy birthday Glory!

Kristen said...

Hey girl!! I have been following you for a while and I just want to say how beautiful you are!! Thank you for being so open about your faith! Its exciting to see a fellow believer on here sharing your journey and giving God the credit for it! Happy Birthday to your little girl! She is adorable!

Charbelle said...

You are both too precious!! That last picture is fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, what an amazing transformation - you should be darn proud of yourself.
And what a very lovely little girl! Happy Birthday to her!

Lisa said...

Seriously you look fantastic! That year would have passed regardless if you were trying to lose weight or not... So how wonderful that you used the year to better yourself physically and spiritually. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Pictures speak volumes, don't they?!? You look FABULOUS!! Keep up the good work! :)

RescuingLisa said...


Kara said...

You look fantastic!!! Keep up the excellent work!

MissyMcM said...

I agree WOW!

Stacey said...

Another 'Wow' from me! Happy Birthday Miss Glory!

Jen said...

Wow, what else is there to say. You have to be incredibly proud of yourself to have come so far! Way to go!

LeFebvre Momma said...

What a difference - you look like a different person! You are an inspiration.

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Wow Keelie... it's like a whole different person! Congrats!!

Jess said...

Wow! You are looking great! What an amazing difference. And your daughter is gorgeous too!

Patrick said...

Holy Guacamole (love that stuff), WOW!

WOW! Those are some of the most defining before & after shots I have ever seen.

WOW! Look at what you did, you see that? You've turned hopeless into hopeful, tears into cheers, Keelie into HOT.

WOW! This, is my fave post of the week. The next four days of the week need not apply; this is it!

Now, I most go back to my Guacamole. One more before I go; WOW!

Anonymous said...

It looks like two differentpeople! congratulationson that amazing transformation!


Misty said...

You look AMAZING! You are such an inspiration!

Jessica said...

You are just stunning.

Unknown said...

Totally W O W ! You completely inspire me over and over again.

Happy birthday to your adorable Glory :)

Danielle said...

You look GORGEOUS!
It really is an amazing trasformation. You look so much healthier and happier - and younger!
Congrats. :)

Weightless said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, you look younger and fitter, but what really jumps out at me is how happy and joyful you look. You just radiate it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you look younger and fitter, but what really jumps out at me is how happy and joyful you look. You just radiate it!

Weightless said...

Amazing! You're beautiful - inside and out!

Michelle @ said...

So awesome & amazing!! You're really encouraging me to take some "before" pictures.

Lean & Green Mama said...

Awesome look MAHValous! I fell off the blog-world (and off the exercising and eating right wagon) over the summer...and I'm feeling it now. As I catch up on the blogs of my old inspirations (aka-YOU!), I feel the flame being lit within again...stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

You really do look years younger, God has richly blessed you...may you be encouraged as well as you're encouraging others...
Happy birthday, to your beautiful daughter...beautiful just like her Momma. The love of God radiently shines from your blog... your new running shoes.

fitby42 said...

You look like you could be the daughter to the "other" mother. Amazing how much younger you look. So healthy!

Breathing In Grace said...

AMAZING the difference a year makes!!! That's look so much younger!!! And, I don't think I've told you this...but I love your daughter's name! In His Love...Deb

Kristi said...

WOW! Amazing!

Erin (formerly Romantic Comedee) said...

These are a wonderful reminder of how far you've come. One day, when Glory grows up, you'll have to show her. You saved your life and that is the best gift you can give your daughter!

AmberJade said...

This is incredible. You look like you've lost a lot more than I know you actually have. It's amazing how different you look just in your face! You've done a great job, and I know you are happy but if you ever feel down...come back and look at these two photos and know you're amazing!


Can do mom said...

Way to take a year and transform yourself, both inside and out. I agree with the other posters that the difference is amazing. You truly do look like a different person. Actually, you really ARE a different person (in some ways) than you were a year ago. Congrats to you and a belated happy birthday to your precious daughter, Glory!

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration! You really look incredible!!

Jeannette said...

That is an amazing difference! My little guy is about to have his 1st year birthday in Dec. and I hope to have kept off the baby weight. Year 1 I plan to lose that weight I had on before we conceived him. Seeing what you've done, I know it is a possibility for me too.

WWSuzi said...

Oh my!!!! What a difference. I'm sitting here with happy tears running down my cheeks :)

Karla said...

you look beautiful darling :) what a great year!! Congratulations on your success

Read said...

What a difference a year makes!!! You look fantastic and the health and happiness just radiates out of you! Keep up the good work!