June 12, 2010

Because I Can

This weekend I participated in a race that raises money for cancer research and celebrates the lives of men and women who have fought or are now fighting the battle against breast cancer.

I have attended the race several years with my best friend. She is highly involved with the organization. She also has an amazing mom who is a 3 time breast cancer survivor.

The whole thing is almost too much to take in at times. All the emotion...all the people...all the PINK :)...all the bravery. I just can't fathom how courageous these people actually are. Many are facing the fight of their lives and yet they are smiling. They are strong. They are beautiful. For them, giving up is not an option.

As I was preparing for and in the midst of the run I was really thinking about why I was doing it. Many reasons came to mind but the one that really resonated within me was the plain and simple fact -- I can.

For the moment, I am healthy. God has given me bones and muscles and breath. How fascinating it is to think about the condition of my body just 6 months ago. Simply by using it more, little by little each day, I am now capable of far more than I ever thought possible.

Our bodies are magnificent. They were formed by the creator of the universe and he doesn't make junk! The common denominator of both life and death, our bodies are powerful and with PURPOSE. If you have one that is in some kind of working order, then by golly--use that thing! Shake what your mamma gave ya! You never know when you may not be able to...

I just wondered today if there were women who have this disease and might have been wishing that they were healthy enough to be out there doing what I was doing. I was running for them. Because I can.

This post is dedicated to the ever-inspiring woman in the picture above. (One of her daughters created this poster--isn't it awesome!?) She is a warrior in every sense of the word. She was not able to be at the race today due to a family emergency. As I watched her preparing her things to leave last night unexpectedly, I was struck by her calm and nurturing spirit. Even in the midst of life's storms (and believe me, she has had more than her fair share) the joy that overflows from this woman's heart and soul is remarkable and it is contagious. There is no explaination for such an attitude that I will accept other than the amazing grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I know that He is receiving so much glory through her fight. While all those who know her hate that this is happening again, we humbly give God honor and praise for what He is doing in and through her life. We wait, in expectation, for Him to work.

Much love to you, Katie. You can SO do it!



Kristi said...

You are an amazing best friend & I am SO lucky to have you! Thank you for coming yesterday and helping set-up Elizabeth's Garden stuff, thanks for doing the 5K today, and thanks for this terrific post. You definitely have a way with words! I'm so glad that you came! LOVE YOU!

Traci said...

That's just beautiful. I am doing a relay for life this next weekend for ACS as well. In remembrance of those in my life who have lost their battles and those still fighting theirs.I can too.

Kate said...

Because you can. There is no better reason.

Raegun said...

What an incredible post to kickoff the week! I've never thought about taking care of myself in such simplistic terms before. You know what? I CAN! What more reason does one need!?

Gina said...

That was a wonderfully worded post:-) Keep fighting the good fight.

Pamela E. Williams said...

Thank you for this post. As a recent breast cancer survivor I know how wonderful it is to have people like you in our corners. I plan to do the Susan Komen walk in October here in Memphis and look forward to just giving my God the glory for my life.