June 24, 2010

Stuff Fat People Like

#88 Thinking of food in terms of currency.

"This is the best diet ever! I can have SO much food. It's awesome!"

"I don't have any milks left today! What am I going to do?"

"No thank you. I can't have any salad dressing. I've already used all my po*nts today."

"I worked out so long today I earned a whole extra meal!"

"I didn't eat anything today. I'm saving up so I can be really bad tonight"

"I wonder how many cookies I can eat without gaining this week?...think I'll find out!"

Any of this sound familiar?

We fatties like to think of food as something we can earn, spend, save, and even gamble with. I'm no psychologist but that mentality seems a little jacked up.

I'm guessing skinny people with healthy eating habits don't really think about food this way. They just eat it. They eat when they are hungry. For the sole purpose of sustaining life and creating energy. They aren't trying to figure out how they can eat more than necessary. They aren't greedy with food. They don't worry about what and when their next meal will be. They don't get EMOTIONAL about food.

We need to be controlling the food, not the other way around.


Jen said...

Well said.

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Yes, I think there is definetely a way that I have thought about food that has been different from a "skinny" person. I learned that in the book "The Beck Diet Solution" that my doctor suggested I read. That book really pointed out to me how a thin person views food which is just like this post says. They don't panic that they won't get enough, they don't overstuff themselves worrying they might not get all the food they need or want. I have to make food not an emotional thing! You are very wise in your words!!


Anna said...

You're surely right. But still. I'm an emotional eater, and this side of me will never disappear, I think. So, will I have to count calories my whole life? I'm afraid i will... and that's ok. I'm ok with that. Better that than having to lose 40 pounds all over again...
But if you think you'll be able to deal food without counting... well I envy you. :)

Keelie said...

I pray that someday I will be able to see food for what it really is and that I won't have to focus on it so much. I truly believe that God will deliver me from this, even now He is.

Raegun said...

So true!!! Great post.

Ann said...

This is so true!!! I just wish I could figure out how not to focus on food all day long. When will it just become something for energy?

Morgan said...

Totally agree. Now how do we change the way we see food?

Patrick said...

I admit to this one... "I didn't eat anything today. I'm saving up so I can be really bad tonight"

What was I ever thinking??

Karen said...

Actually, it's a lot jacked up :) I've just recently accepted that I'll never have a skinny person's mentality - even as I'm losing the weight and doing all the right things. I will always love food and I'll always want to eat a LOT of it. So accepting this about myself, I had to find tools that would help me exist alongside with my fat self because no matter how skinny I become, inside a part of me will always be fat. So every day, at some level, for the rest of my life, will be a challenge.

Jess said...

Ain't that the truth! You are just little miss informative. I love it!

Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

amen, and AMEN!

Emily said...

So true! But it takes a while to realize this, huh? Even recognizing the mind games I'm playing with myself feels like progress. I'm hoping I can become just as obesessive about exercize.
*When I think I deserve special treatment: "I'm going to take a walk and get some fresh air."
*When I'm angry: "Extra cardio today!"
*When I'm lonely: "Who can I invite to join me at the gym/park/wii fit?"

How healthy would I be if I became an emotional exersizer? HA! I ALWAYS have emotions to process. Hm...I think I'm on to something here.

Lily Fluffbottom said...

Having to eat as much as you can now, because you don't know when you'll be able to eat again. Or eating all the food because if there's any left overs that you would want to savor later, someone will come in and eat it all before you have a chance to. And then it metastasizes into a monster.

RescuingLisa said...

I love this post - so true!

Just found your blog today - we have similar starting weights and are at similar weights today - I look forward to following your story...