January 26, 2011

Huge Weigh In & Weigh-In Extremists

So I only lost .4 lbs this week but that fraction of a pound took me into a NEW DECADE! I've been in the 170s since May ya'll! Do you understand what this means!? This means it has taken me about 9 months to lose 10 pounds! And I'm still doing this! Whoohooo!

I am SO glad that I have never let the stupid scale discourage me to the point of quitting. Yes, of course there have been instances where a weigh-in has influenced my emotions and mental state more than it should have. But somehow, I'm still here. And I'm about 10 pounds lighter than I was in May. Things could be a lot worse.

Tonight I was thinking of all the crazy power we let the scale have over us. I decided that some of us could possibly even be Weigh-In Extremists. What do you think?

You might be a Weigh-In extremist if...

1. You almost passed out during your meeting one time because you didn't eat anything all day in an attempt to lose one tenth of a pound. But you drove through McDonald's on your way home from the meeting.

2. You spend 30 minutes in the bathroom before weigh-in trying to get "everything" out that you can. Who knows how much that stuff weighs!

3. You have ever asked your leader if you can take the scale into the bathroom so you can weigh completely in the nude. You know--to get your "true" weight.

4. You need a special container like they have at airport security for all the stuff you have to take off before you weigh-in: earrings, glasses, shoes, belts, rubber bands, contacts...

5. You have ever dug nasty, dirty, stained clothes out of the hamper and put them on because that is your "weigh-in outfit."

6. You have ever brought a doctor's note to your meeting with the weight that you weighed at the Dr. office earlier in the week.

7. Before you step on the scale, you spend 15 or more minutes explaining to the person who weighs you in why you probably gained weight that week. You apologize to that person.

8.You have ever made counterfeit copies of the one "skip a weigh-in" card that comes in your new members' kit.

9. You have ever actually tried to converse with a scale, especially in a negative manner.

10. You have "put your scale away" because it is tripping you up, but you continue to climb up in a chair to get it down from the tip top of your closet 2-3 times a day. You fall, nearly break your back and think about suing the scale manufacturer.

I've never done any of those. If you have, seek help immediately.


NPO said...

First time seeing your blog, but judging by the pictures your looking good.

Christine said...

I have done three of those..just sayin. not saying which three...

Virginia said...

And I've done seven of those and definitely not saying - how come you get a get out of jail free card "miss weigh in card" - never had one of those and they would have come in handy! Oooh Keelie you had me giggling this morning, you've continued to work at your weight loss in all those months and kept going - truly inspirational - I got on the scales on Monday to discover week 2 = zero weight loss which has left me with the whole "is this working" routine going on! But I keep thinking if I just keep going doing the right thing eating within my plan and exercising the scales do eventually have to budge!


Valerie Chamberlain said...

Your post has perfect timing. I have weigh in tonight and was already scripting what I needed to tell the person weighing us in....LOL

You look amazing, and your joy emulates the page!

Love you!

Michelle said...

I am so guilty of #1 & #4 and every single one made me laugh out loud because I've likely considered them!

Syndal said...

wow congratulations girl!! i love how you put things in to perspective..you really inspire me!

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I have NEVER done any of those things either! Congratulations, Keelie!!!!!!!!!

jesseybell said...

Congrats on the new decade - it took me 5 months to get through the last one (and I thought I would breeze through it!)

I am so guilty - I wear the same light weight dress each week, even now in the dead of winter. I don't eat breakfast before my 11:00 weigh-in. And just today, even though I won't go to WW because of a storm, I changed my weigh-in because after 2 hours I hadn't eaten breakfast, peed more, and shoveled for 1 1/2 hours so I was .6 lower :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wahoo!!!

There must be something about the 170s. I hit 169 in late summer and RAN the other way. I'm now 10 pounds OVER, not less.

But despite my backwards progress, I'm still here, too. :)

Congratulations on an extremely LARGE milestone! Great job.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching a new decade! YIPPPPPPP!

Best of all? Congrats on not giving up and pushing through. Its the journey that is important - not the speed at which we travel!

I truly loved your scale points and I have to say, I have been there and done a few of those myself!

Keep up the great work you are doing!


Kara said...

Awesome job!! Look at that picture from January 2010 and look at your picture now. Wow! What a difference a year can make! Great job sticking it out through the 70's!

Kelly the Happy Texan said...

Congrats on the great weigh in and you look fabulous!

Norma Jean said...

WHERE do you come up with these weigh in scenarios???! Thanks for the laughs...I'm pretty sure my stomach muscles benefitted! Just call me an extremist!

So proud of you and your new decade! God is doing wonderful things through you and your journey. So thankful I get to tag along. :)

LeFebvre Momma said...

You are an encouragement to me. Last year I lost 15 pounds all together - 6 of which I kept off. However, this was all my fault and due to lack of movement. Since Christmas I have been changing that fact and hope to lose the rest this year - thanks for your encouragement along the weigh!

SkinnyGirlSetFree said...

Congratulations & Happy belated Birthday! You have some amazing dedication - and I'm proud of you!

I've done a couple of those things...variations, if you will...but some I was like, "Really??" I'm sure people do!

AJ said...

my first read was crazy powder...LOL.

Amie said...

Congratulations! I love seeing the middle numbers change - great job.

Jamie said...

That is awesome Keelie! Happy Birthday to you from "The Scale" and I may have done one or two of those things inmy day. LOL

Kate said...

Good job! Hope the 60's are good to you!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

Congrats I am over the moon for you!!!! Your pushing yourself inspires and pushes me! I didn't want to go home tonight to face P90X and Yoga but after reading this... I know I can, I know I can, I know I can! ox Thank you!

Stacey said...

Woo-hoo! Way to go! Just add me to the many who tell you how you encourage them to continue on!! The holidays and the few months before with my back injury have been tough. But I am so over the cycle I was creating. I am hoping to be held accountable again, so I created a new blog just about my weight loss. Hmm, wonder where I got that idea? :) I have even gotten brave enough to tell my actual weight. It's called Stuffed Body Hungry Soul (stuffedbodyhungrysoul.blogspot.com). This one may be a better fit to your blog list than my other one.

Tammy said...

Congratulations! Making to the 160s is huge. Good for you for sticking to it for even when the scale wasn't moving down very quickly. That shows determination. Also, you look so great!

~Determined~ said...

Lol...def done a few of those!! Love ur blog!

Sierra said...

Oh my G-d. I've done every single one of those things.

I'm notorious for driving through Wendy's after a weigh in. With my Weight Watchers nametag on. I'm awesome, I know.

Marla said...

I am guilty of # 1 minus the McDonald's drive thru and # 5. I will not weigh in without my weigh in pants.