March 14, 2010

Reward Outfit(s) Revealed

This is a summery top from Old Navy (late addition to reward) that I paired with a brown corduroy jacket. I (re)discovered the jacket in my closet this week and was thrilled to find I could actually button it! Clinton of What Not to Wear says that you can not buy a jacket unless it will button. I would argue that you can not buy a jacket unless you are committed to future buttoning!

Meet my photographer for the afternoon. I bribed him with fruit snacks. I hope he doesn't have some kind of long lasting psychological issues because his mother made him take pictures of her. Surely not. He didn't seem to mind.

This is my reward top that required the purchase of a strapless bra. I love the back! It feels so good to be outside with temperatures in the upper-60's. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.... Loved it when my well-trained, 4 year old photographer asked, "Mommy, is it okay if I get your bottom?" My reply, "Yes! By all means Son, get my bottom!"

Hope you can enjoy some sunshine today!


Stacey said...

Keelie~You look adorable! Great outfits! Your son is quite the photographer.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Keelie girl, you're so pretty. Congrats on hitting your reward. You look amazing girl!

Unknown said...

Hi Keelie,
My daughter directed me to your blog. I am a eat healthy and exercise person and she thought I'd enjoy seeing your site. You've made great progress and I don't doubt you will reach your ultimate goal! Congrats!


Loving my Complicated Life! said...

You are looking great woman! Seriously, you are a stunning person! Your red hair and glowing eyes are amazing! The reward outfits look great on you, and your son is a great little photographer. I love What Not to Wear, and when I get a job and money in my pocket again I will be rewarding myself with a much needed ward robe as well. Keep it up. Oh, an I see you are down to 196. That is AWESOME!!!!


Kristi said...

Can I get your bottom?! LOLOLOLOLOL! Love it! That picture of you two is great! Miss ya, love ya!

Laura said...

You are looking FABULOUS! What great reward outfits!

Katie said...

I absolutely lovelovelove the first out fit! (oh, and your back looks great, too!! haha)

Back in Black said...

you look amazing, and i love that top, gorgeous. Kids can be so innocent at times, my 11 year old always makes sure he zooms up so my bottom half isn't showing. I'm hoping one day i will feel comfortable letting him take a photo of the full length. Congratulations on your outstanding weightloss, keep it up and you'll reach your goal in no time

Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

you are looking some serious skinny- every part of you! CONGRATS!!! i just know wearing that outfit feels better than anything tastes! *sigh* so inspiring . . . .

Absolutely, Positively Josie said...
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Unknown said...

Oh I LOVE the last photo you are so beautiful! I also love your blog you are making some major progress! Keep it up :)

My blog:

Anonymous said...

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[url=][img]  [/img][/url]