March 2, 2010

Peanut Butter Binge

I just had a very low moment. It involved peanut butter. Lots of peanut butter.

I was making the kiddo a pb&j and it was too much. Just too much for me to handle. I had 3 (yes 3!) peanut butter and honey half sandwiches.

What the heck?

I even tried to stop myself and figure out what was making me want to eat (since I just had 2 very much planned tortilla pizzas) but I couldn't get my mind to focus. I couldn't get my hands to stop slathering that peanut butter on slice after slice of carb-loaded bread!

So the damage is done. I figure it's about 500 or 600 calories that I wasn't counting on for today. Bob, please work your fat-burning magic! I will be doing Level 1 AND 2 of Biggest Loser Cardio Max tonight. Do you think that will do the trick?

Do you believe me when I say that I literally COULD NOT stop eating the peanut butter? It's kinda scary, folks.


New Beginnings said...

Don't you just hate that!! The great thing is that it doesn't have to be the end. Tomorrow is a new day!! You can learn from today's binge. Good luck!

Stacey said...

I totally agree with what New Beginnings said. You have done SO well and will continue to do well!!

Mr.s Gokey said...

That was me and tamales today!! I had three chicken tamales at lunch today after I had the lunch I brought!!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

There's lots of foods I'm that way with. That when I start eating them, it just primes the pump for more. I try to just stay away, but sometimes it's just too hard. Old habits die hard.

Sounds like you minimized the damage with a buttload of cardio. I suspect there won't be much of a fallout from your setback.

Jaimie said...

Like Jack said, old habits sometimes die hard. If you're a PB addict like myself, then its hard to just have one little bite. But at least you recognized the problem and are rectifying it with cardio. Everyone slips up, but it's what happens after that slip up that makes us strong. Instead of continuing on the binge-induced downward slide, you decided to learn from it. Kudos, hon, you're doing great!

steph2088 said...

honestly? If you just couldn't help yourself, maybe your body needed it. I get hardcore when I diet and can make good choices most of the time. But there comes a point when I lose it and go crazy but those one-off splurges never really catch up to me. I think you body needs a little reality check sometimes. Don't sweat it. You'll be more focused and determined tomorrow because of it.
It's all good!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I totally get that. Do you allow yourself peanut butter? Maybe your body needed protein? I don't know, but believe me I get it. No big deal, it's already in the past.

Allie said...

I hear ya on this one too! Not peanut butter, because I'm allergic, but I think we all have a food like that. Even though it was unplanned I'm sure it could have been way worse. Good on you for blogging about it!

financecupcake said...

I've been having trouble with chocolate chips. I fit a tablespoon into each day so I don't end up on a crazy sweets binge. It's that time of the month, and I just can't keep myself out of the chocolate chips bag. BLAH. It's so frustrating not to be able to stop after it happens once - I went back for cmore until the bag was empty, and you had a few sandwiches. So frustrating! Hang in there :) said...

I have TOTALLY done the peanut butter binge. Usually it involves me, a spoon, and some apple slices to smear it all over.

Valerie Chamberlain said...

I stinkin' love peanut butter and honey sandwiches! But don't let this get you down. Look back at all the time you've spent working on yourself. One afternoon of peanut butter isn't what you should stand out to you the most :o)

You're doing AWESOME! I am SO proud of you girl!! Let's get together soon...but not to eat :o)