January 6, 2012

Leftover Cinnamon Rolls

Friday is cinnamon roll day around here--for the kids. The problem is that I have 2 children and the number of rolls that come in the can is always 3 or 4 too many. So after the morning routine is over, the kids are at school and I'm back here...its' just me, a quiet house and 3 cinnamon rolls.  There are a couple of ways I typically like to use up my leftover cinnamon rolls!

Fat Me Method
The favorite way of Fat Me is to just simply eat them. Pop them in this big ole' mouth 1, 2, 3. And BOOM--cinnamon rolls are gone. It is a really easy way to use up the leftover cinnamon rolls that would otherwise go to waste. The faster I eat them, the better. It's like they were never here. They are immediately gone and I don't have to worry about eating sweets anymore for the rest of the day. (Right.)

REAL Me Method
The favorite way of Real Me is to drown them under the faucet. I know this probably offends someone. Yes, I do realize there are starving people in this world. However I can't get to them this morning and I seriously doubt that using the Fat Me method of "stuff and inhale" does any of those starving people a favor. Why not just throw them away, you ask? Because I can dig.

The bad news is that I am an addict. The good news is that I know it.

P.S. In the event a faucet's not available, having someone else spit on the food works well, too.


Jamie said...

Is it weird that I totally feel what you are feeling when you drown them?

I love you and I am praying for both "yous".

Anonymous said...

:O I love cinnamon rolls. I was offended at first, haha but I think you did the right thing. They probably like being drowned anyway right?

Annie said...

This made me laugh out loud (at work)! What genius to ensure you won't be tempted. I'm going to try that next time. ;-)

Sam said...

I use black pepper! Because I hate black pepper in large quantities. After that, I won't touch them. I do that at a restaurant if I have just a few bites left - not enough to really take home, but enough to push me past being comfortable. :D

AJ @ trulylifeinwords - said...

You are braver than me. I can not have something like that in my home. I am an addict, I know it and I am not strong enough, even after all these years, to withstand cinnamon rolls. I even avoid the bakery in stores and have to flip the sales ads when they are on the page...which is plastered right now to find the weakness in the all the dieters right now.

Jacquie said...

you can also just bake a few and freeze the rest for the next week :)

jesseybell said...

i am the queen of the garbage disposal. My motto is 'money is no object when it comes to losing weight' - my favorite ice cream only comes in quarts, so occasionally I will buy a quart and have one bowl (albeit a big bowl) and dump the rest. I too can dig...

Kyle said...

Nothing wrong with a food assassination...has to be done for the sake of national or waistline security.

Anonymous said...

Both methods very familiar to me. My favorite is to throw offending items in the trash and spray well with Windex! Whatever it takes. You're doing great.

Mrs. S. said...

You get no lip from me. Seriously-drown away!

Unknown said...

ahhhhh! awesome!!! Drown those evil sweets!

BEE said...

Wow don't ur kids ask were the rest went. my hubby would sure kill me if I did that. So if u just wrap them up u would really end up eating them. Really after all the weightb u have lost u don't think bout how much better u feel now after the weight loss before u would put that in ur mouth. Just asking I do have my things around the house I guess I wish I could drown like tater tots my lil m,an eats or pizzza. But. Like I said my hubby would slap me. Cuz he hates wasting food. Lol

JennyKozar said...

Good job! I so know what you mean so I like your method of dealing with the unwanted cinnamon rolls - I too would be WAY to temped to eat them.

karen@fitnessjourney said...

Lol, that's so funny. I just wrote a post about the things my friends and I do in the name of weight loss-putting chocolate cake down the garbage disposer made the list!

Hannah Pendrigh said...

This is great! I'm going to do things like this when I'm faced with similar situations! 'I can dig' love it...