January 10, 2012

You might be a Weigh-In extremist if:

1. You almost passed out during your meeting one time because you didn't eat anything all day in an attempt to lose one tenth of a pound. But you drove through McDonald's on your way home from the meeting. And not for a salad.

2. You spend 30 minutes in the bathroom before weigh-in trying to get "everything" out that you can. Who knows how much that stuff weighs!

3. You have ever asked your leader if you can take the scale into the bathroom so you can weigh completely in the nude. You know, to get your "true" weight.

4. You need a special container like they have at airport security for all the stuff you have to take off before you weigh-in: earrings, glasses, shoes, belts, rubber bands, contacts...

5. You have ever dug smelly, dirty, stained clothes out of the hamper and put them on because that is your "weigh-in outfit."

6. You have ever brought a doctor's note to your meeting with the weight that you weighed at the Dr. office earlier that day.

7. Before you step on the scale, you spend 15 or more minutes explaining to the person who weighs you in why you probably gained weight that week. You apologize to that person.

8.You have ever made counterfeit copies of the one "skip a weigh-in" card that comes in your new members' kit.

9. You have ever actually tried to converse with a scale, especially in a negative manner.
10. You have "put your scale away" because it is tripping you up, but you continue to climb up in a chair to get it down from the tip top of your closet 2-3 times a day. You fall, nearly break your back and think about suing the scale manufacturer.

Forgive me, but I've been revisiting some posts from last year and I just wanted to re-share this one.

Do you think you might be a "weigh-in extremist"? Please do share your crazy stories!


Sharlie said...

I do my weigh in's at home so I do it first thing Wednesday mornings and I'll get on 3 or 4 times just to make sure it isn't lying :)
Thanks for stoping by my blog again, think I'm gonna give it a try tomorrow

Mom on a mission said...

This post put a huge smile on my face this morning! Tx:-)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not with Weight Watchers right now, but when I was I was gulity of a few of those tricks. The only thing I am guilty of now is probably steeping on the scale too often.

Sarah said...

Hangs my head.....I am a weigh in extremist LMAO I had to laugh at your list because I do several of those things HA HA

Meghan said...

Guilty..but I'm not telling which ones! LOL

Anonymous said...

I always schedule my medical check-ups with the earliest appointment available, so I'm at my lowest weight of the day. Last year I had to make an afternoon appointment and my self-esteem suffered mightily due to lunch. :(

Iris Took said...

Amen Sister! It's my weigh-in day and I fully plan to strip down to tank top and my lightest pair of pants in my wardrobe. There is a McDonald's literally right outside of our meeting location...right next to the Arby's.

Great post!

Dana said...

Totally guilty! When I was at WW, I went to the first meeting in the am on Fridays, in the exact same outfit and peed before I got on the scale.... Now in matintance, I just do it at home. Naked now. I'm sure that makes me skinnier. ;)

kristinzilke said...

Ha! I could probably admit to at least 7 of the 10...Yikes! Today is weigh in day and i've already started my afternoon "fast" which consists of no food or beverages past 1pm :) Great post...perfect timing!

Unknown said...

HA! Good one!! I have thought of all of those but as of doing them, probably just a few. I totally apologize for gaining! But really, why am I apologizing to someone else for something that only means something to me?? LOL! totally would love to weight in for my "true" weight and hey what about using the morning weight # rather than the afternoon weight # cause we all weigh less in the morning! So why are meetings at night? LOL!

Love you hair!! You look sooo cute!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I make it a policy never to eat black cat on a weigh-in day...

Kyle said...

#7 is my favorite. I'm lucky that I don't go to a weigh-in, so I get to employ all the best practices in the privacy of my own bathroom.

Denise said...

#'s 4,5 and 7 are my favs! Thanks for posting!